Thursday, October 26, 2006

Australian values

There has been a fair number of column inches dedicated to the idea that new migrants should be made to take some sort of a pledge to adhere to Australian values. Some politco went as far as saying visitors should sign an extra bit of paper on the way in, presumably saying they would love to have a barbie and a cold brew between innings of beach cricket and a surf. Or something. Anyway you can cut all that crap because today, as I was photographed fpr my work security pass I was asked the only question you need to be asked on the way in. So, do you like sport? I think that about sums it up. And yes, I do like sport. He follows Sunderland in the Premiership. Or out. Or back in. Or out...

The day started weirdly enough. I got to the bus stop to find a well spaced queue of about ten people that I joined at the seemingly socially acceptable distance from the person in front of me. All good until a bus comes into sight when fat ugly woman - really, she was, even though that adds little to the rant - comes shooting up the outside to get towards the head of the queue. Good for her, she got on the bus and stood, I waited about another minute - the buses are timetabled to come every three - and got a seat on the next one.

On the subject of buses...I decided to run home from work and then keep going for around an hour and ten minutes and that I did. But this is the good bit; office door to home door took me 32minutes and ten seconds, and that because I ran the bus route. I reckon I can cut straight across the park and beat the bus home. More on running. I have been picked out as a runner at work and today was told that every thursday there is a lunchtime run and there is a series of runs of varying degrees of toughness that go on throughout the year. Bloke whose name I cannot recall even gave me a route map. One is a lunchtime run across the bridge and back. All good. I might even be able to use it as a networking opportunity (bleugh, corporate whore talk) rather than the pintballing, that I les than graciously declined.

And tomorrow we start our descent into poverty by handing over a substantial chunk of deposit on the house that it looks more likely than ever that we are going to buy. Very exciting. And I may get to see Chris Issak play a couple of songs tomorrow morning out front of the Channel 7 studio that my office sits atop. Cool!

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