Monday, November 13, 2006

from one colony to another?

The good news is that iritis comes in at number three, and even then it is of preventable causes of blindness. And that is a US statistic. So that's alright then. Welcome to Monday morning. My right eye was blurrier than usual yesterday and again today so I went to the optomotrist again this morning and have been referred to someone higher up the food chain. The blurriness is down to mutton fat keratic precipitates. Basically bits of plasma sticking to the inside of the outer part of my eye, probably in response to an infection of the iris. Deep joy. It gets better if you decide, as I did, to google that bit of medical-speak. (Google, by the way, should not be a verb, but what the hell.) It does not take long before you come across references, among the 90 pathogens it has been linked with, to multiple scelorosis, irritable bowl syndrome, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, and wait for it...leprosy! Well FUCK THAT for a start to Monday morning. Sometimes the internet should be avoided. Expect an update on my eyes and other nastiness after I see - well I fucking hope I can see him or anything else - the eye doc on Wednesday morning at 09:15. Fucking leprosy! Maybe this is a retribution of biblical proportions from a vengeful God, pissed off at my becoming a Godfather? If so, that fucker works quickly. Or I couild have been poked in the eye with a stick. Which I haven't.

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