Saturday, June 07, 2008

irony and nonesense

There was an article in the magazine section of today's Sydney morning Herald about the split (the word split is rarely used) in the Anglican church. The battle lines are drawn between those who are cool with and not so cool with the ordination of gays. Seems bizarre that they agree on their imaginary friends but no on real people. Anyway...What is the Sydney Anglican line on homosexuality? Well apparently...homosexuals who persist in having sex (my emphasis) are wicked sinners breaking God's law; they are unfit for Holy Communion; unfit for the ministry; unfit to for any post in the parish; unfit to be elected bishop anywhere (are you listening Gene Robinson?); and unless they refrain from sex (my emphasis again) with one another for their entire lives, destined for Judgement.

So the really really bad thing is the physical act of having sex? If you refrain you're not as bad...what about if you're not gay but still have a bit of bum action? Does that mean judgement? Why the petty interest in he physical act?

A brief shout out to the Catholic Church who, according to this article, are managing to fan the flames of atheism with World Youth Day. On-ya! I am sure that when Pope Wotnot the Ex Nazi arrives I will have plenty to say about World Youth Day.

Back to the Anglicans. In his Easter message the local ArchBish, Peter Jenson, warned the faithful about meddling in the occult and messing with ghosts and spirits. I guess he did not include THE Holy Spirit in that warning? That ghost is OK, right? And Big J is allowed to rise up from the dead (Zombie!) before going up to sit alongside his old man (genocidal maniac, if I remember my Old Testament) and aforementioned ghost (wonder if he looks like Patrick Swayze before he got ill?) Aren't those three actually the same person? The holy trinity, A genocidal Zombie Patrick Swayze!

Now if religion was really like that...

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