Now this will come and kick m in the arse before to long...but so far it has been fairly plain sailing for me. Sure I've been far busier than I am otherwise, but the whole playing-nappy-burping-dressing stuff is easy enough and looking after Sal's needs is only a struggle in as much as she is bonkers. I've even don some cooking, finished painting a fence and managed to get three runs completed. The dogs have been walked each day too; well apart from today because we were away last night after signin a sale contract for a house we're selling. I've also managed to keep up with most of my work emails; hypocrit that I am, having hammered my boss for doing the very same thing when his second kid was hatched.
Today AJ pissed all over my t-shirt and board shorts. Not entirely unexpeted; she's pissed over me a few others times while I've been changing a nappy. On the subject of the nappy contents...what happens in a baby that makes breast milk in look like pesto out? Weird.
Yesterday, as well as visiting the in-laws, we visited Louise and Jason and their 1yr old Ella. Fairly typical show-and-tell visit, all very pleasant. Both Louise and Jason said they thought AJ looked more like me than Sal, in profile at least. Possibly because she frowns a lot. She also has a great set of lungs that she uses infrequently but to good effect. The car is a magical instrument - turns the noise off straight away.
Right gotta go, time for me to burp her...
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