Wednesday, May 06, 2009

outstanding customer service

Today's award for outstanding customer service goes to our ISP, Optus. We would like to change our plan. No need for new software or hardware, just alter our plan to one that is near identical to the one we are currently on, the only difference being 5gb allowance, up from 2gb.

That will take a month.

You fucking what? A month? Are you shitting me? Really, how fucking difficult is it to move us from one plan to another? Select our account, select the plan we want, click update, done.

Typical of the always-too-difficult attitude I have come to expect from many lumbering Australian corporations. Fuck all thought given to the customer because there is little competition; why serve customers and build loyalty? Where will we transfer our account to? You see, we bill monthly so we can only change plans monthly...more like We bill monthly, suck it up or fuck off, and no, we can't be arsed to do anything about it, goodbye.

Wow, it has been a day of bashing the locals. Wonder if they'll still let me have the passport?

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