We went to Dee Why for breakfast. Once again the swell was solid and it looked like all the local surfers were out, though not all were braving some of the larger waves. Sal left with the kids, timing it so Alex would get her lunchtime nap on the drive out west. With a bit of time on my hands I went to take a look at the house we're buying. I like it a bit more each time I see it. Wandered to the local shops. Bakery open at 6am weekdays and sells coffee (win) there is a kebab shop (win), a curry house (win) and a decent looking bottle shop (win.)
Then it was back home, dump the car and have a run. The seven bridges run is a nice loop around the western edge of Sydney. There is an annual walk event that does pretty much my loop. Only I do it anti-clockwise. And I run it. The bridges are Fig Tree, Tarban Creek, Gladeseville, Iron Cove, Anzac, Pyrmont and Sydney Harbour. Take it as read I was aching, but I got over the Harbour Bridge in 7:22 and went through the half distance in a little under 1:50. Slow, of course, but still respectable.

I neither enjoyed or didn't enjoy the run. It was quite workmanlike. I got on to a pace I felt comfortable with and tried to stick with it. That's about it. A few things of note though. After a few hundred metres I caught up with and got chatting to a runner in a 6ft Track Singlet. She was off to Turramurra and back, a decent distance. We headed our different ways after quite a nice chat and it was only then that I thought - dur, why didn't I tag along with her and do some new miles? Something different. Nevermind. Later, as I went across a bridge and looked towards the city it struck me that the Harbour Bridge really is fucking enormous. The stone pillars and massive and the deck level is a runnable 1.5km - but the footpath is not all of it It really is a very big bridge.
I got a filthy look from a bloke whose car I stared at as he drove past. In my defence, the guy looked like Pappa Smurf and his beard alone occupied about half of the space inside the original Fiat 500 he was driving. If this guy doesn't like to get looked at - I was admiring his car - he should shave, get a new motor (I'll take the Fiat!) or both. Over the bridge and I ran past Classic Throttle Shop. I love that place. But today it threw me into mental turmoil. It is not ready for sale yet, but they have a lovely looking TR7. A LOVELY TR7? Are you mad? I thought there was no such thing, but with a bit of imagination this thing looked a little like a Lancia Stratos. I'm all very confused by this. Sadly I was traveling light, so no pics. I'll have to pop in again when it is for sale.
The hill home was a bit of a slog and I slowed. I got home just as the painters were packing up for the day, having made decent progress. Not a good night for the dogs though, they're exiled to the garden as most rooms have had a bit of work done. So it is just me and the beers here tonight.
Not a bad day today.
1 comment:
Well done. Your mileage is amazing. You are a true inspiration
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