It came as no surprise that having felt ordinary yesterday I woke this morning with one completely blocked nostril and a strem of snot running from the clear one. I felt decidely ordinary. But when I got vertical my nose cleared enough for me to get some Vicks First Defence on board. I cleared my throat, reassured myself that my respitory system was not compromised and took the dogs out. By the time I'd finished my coffee and got home I felt almost human, clambered into the minging running gear and headed towards work. The run was a carbon copy of yesterday with a little around the piers to add a few more metres. Got in and went straight to the shop to grab some Panadol Cold and Flu MAX - they didn't have Lemsip. And the morning was done.

Later lunch today so I fuelled up on a foot-long meatball sub with the lot. I am sure Subway have other subs on the menu but I have yet to get past the meatballs. Was heading downhill by the time I was off and running and for a while there was a real disconnect between brain and legs. I had a floaty sensation that was bordering on dizzy. But after a couple of km I'd sweat that out and was once again shuffling around in my newly-typical shuffly way. Out to Anzac Bridge and Back. And yes,
my miles today were the same as yesterday. And tomorrow, lungs allowing, they'll be the same again.
That's just the way I roll. Well, it is for the rest of the month.
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