Sunday, June 05, 2011

ton up

the girlsThe day started at about 05:50 when Sal called to tell me she was awake and I should head over to get the rest of the family at about 7:00am. I felt pretty awful and sort of staggered about a bit trying to get myself going. I toyed with the idea of taking my dog for a walk, but after his decent walk and swim yesterday I decided he could skip this morning and instead I would sit and feel dreadful. Not a great use of my time. Checked the weather, looked in on Facebook. Just random stuff. Then I grabbed my running gear, in case an opportunity would present, went and grabbed my ladies and headed to Dee Why for breakfast by the beach.

Had a feed, let AJ loose in the playpark and then went to take a look at the impressively solid surf wrapping around the point. Not as large as yesterday at Manly, but still bigger than I'll ever get near. When it got close to AJ's snooze time we took a drive through the national park and then swung by the house we're hoping to buy...hold on, this is supposed to be all about running...

Got home and while Sal did a bit of tidying I went out for a few km. We need the name of the property lawyer we used when we bought our current house and I needed some Robitusin. So today was a trip to Neutral Bay to get the lawyers name from their letterbox (could have googled it, but that's no the spirit of Juneathon) and home via Crows Nest and the pharmacy. In between I did a lap and some bits of St Leonards park. Inspired by my brother's genius website - - I tried to draw a football or a flower and pretty much failed. But it added an extra element to a kinda plain run.

Five days down and I pass my first milestone, although it is actually a kilometrestone. Ton up.

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