Thursday, December 15, 2011

in for a penny

After a little umming and ahing I signed up for Janathon again. So, with some trepidation I shall attempt to purge myself of the following bad thoughts and prepare to look forward to the runniness ahead.

Deep breath...

January in Sydney is bloody horrible and it's not unusual to have days that start with humidity out near 100%. That said, typing "it's not unusual" always makes me smile and I now have Tom singing in my mind. Which is a good thing.

Second daughter Harriette is 7monhs old and largely nocturnal. But meh, it's only running. One foot goes in front of the other and as long as I can get to the end of the street without falling asleep on my feet I should be OK.

All of my road-runners are knackered and so are my knees. And I've decided, for a change, to buy some Nike Pegasus for no better reason than I get 2 pairs from wiggle for the same price as one pair of my trusty Asics Nimbus at their still-bend-you-over-Aussie sale price.

I now live further away from work and although that means a slightly longer commute - I run to work - it also means fewer opportunities to run and therefore potentially far fewer miles. But as this is just a bit of fun and not a competitive thing that is no biggy. If I keep I telling myself that I hope that I may one day believe it. Alas, it is not yet working. But I really need to see how I feel when Jan gets here.

On Jan 1st I will be driving about 500km with my soon-to-be-3year old who I am solo parenting. Opportunities to run further than a couple of laps of the car (without child services taking my kids away from me) will be limited-to-absent. Hardly a good start. But at least I'll not be doing "Beyond The Black Stump" which I started this year with and which damn near killed me.

My Garmin decided to explode. Until I get a new one I shall be tracking either manually or with my Blackberry. Which is a pain in the arse.

I feel better after that cathartic whinge.

I am genuinely looking forward to Janathon and now feel I can gorge myself stupid between now and the New Year wit relative impunity.

For the record, the new commute to work is 10.5km, and that is what I ran today. You will, dear reader, get very bored reading about the hill up to Mosman, the climb up to Milsons Point and Thrupp Street. Which is - trust me on this - a proper bastard of a thing.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Janathoners and remember - Xmas Pud is all good carbs.

1 comment:

Local Adventures said...

Hey Kevin! You and me both.. ha ha!

Congrats on your new arrival, I too am now a parent, and with my little one just three weeks old you can be damn sure I'm not running 450 miles again!

Looking forward to reading your runs once again. I'm planning to augment a short daily bimble with some pushchair hiking, and hopefully the odd bike ride or paddle.

Let's see if we can't make ourselves a bit thinner again!

Cheers - Gary