Thursday, January 19, 2012


The picture is a spot the difference from yesterday and the run is not. I slacked off a bit - 500m - because Sal took the kids to daycare. Other than that it's rinse and repeat. Did you spot the difference in the picture? That is a different cruise ship today, berthed in the same spot as the one I ran past yesterday. Fascinating, eh? Today was a bit cloudier too.

There is a PT I bump into sometimes on a run to work. I passed her today. We shared a few words near the top of the Galipolli steps (or "the steps of you must be fucking joking" as I sometimes call them.) Today she was herding her victim (sorry, client) up the if-these-were-any-steeper-they'd-be-a-ladder steps. Six times. I thought that warranted a friendly "you're both mad", and she pointed out that it was me who was the one running to work. Good call. She wished me well and I kept running to work.

I spent kilometres 2,3 and 4 trying to remember and replace the lyrics to Paul Hardcastle's "19" with Janathon inspired words. It is, after all, day 19. There will be a typing pause as I drift back to 1983...

In Janathon the combat runner typically served a 31 day tour of duty but was exposed to hostile conditions every day, n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-19, day 19, n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-19, day 19

I wasn't really sure what was going on
I wasn't really sure what was going on

OK, enough of that, it's just a bit lame. I identified the lameness on the run and started to think about my totals and toying with the idea of throwing in a cheeky 10k lunchtime run. I nuked that idea straight away. I can't see myself doing it until and unless the humidity drops off. It didn't drop below 90% last night and the highest humidity coincides with my morning commute, which means that by lunchtime I am still throwing fluids down and not pissing. Oh, and my right leg currently feels as if it is about an inch shorter than my left. No, I think I'll skip the lunchtime trot and eat instead.

My waking hours are now spent either running or eating. Because I don't want to carry food with me in the morning - I don't need the extra weight on my back and any food would probabaly get to the office poached - I'm buying breakfast and lunch. On the one hand this is great, because I get to eat loads of bad stuff, but on the other hand this is bad because I get to eat loads of bad stuff. And pay for it. Ah well, nearly February.

And so to the run home which was the usual run home and you've read it all before so here are a few random and semi-random thoughts.

My right leg is shot. Tight from arse to heal, but it feels like it's just tightness in all the squishy, stretchy bits so despite my advancing years I still reckon I'll be OK by, say, May.

I stink. Well, not me, but all of my running gear, my "new" Nikes that I insist upon doing ever mile in and the backpack I wear too and from work. I really stink. It even offends me. I dread stopping at lights; at least when I'm moving the stink is behind my nose. I stink.

I've previously whinged about people who squeeze in front of me at pedestrian crossings despite obviously being slower than me. Today we hit a new benchmark where a doddering old twat who must have been in his 70's actually squeezed past me and stood in the road in front of me! Weaved around him, ran on...

The government have a poster campaign - I run past a couple of the posters each day - warning us of the dangers of ecstasy. It features a horrific bog-turned-drug-den pic. Proper Trainspotting nasty image. In fact so nasty that I reckon it must be a setup. The strap line is 'Ecstacy. Face the facts' or something like that. What facts would they be? The ones that show it kills far fewer people than smoking, drinking and eating peanuts? Now I am not a drug taker, never touched ecstasy, but come on, what a fucking waste of time. Just because you missed the boat on getting tax revenue from it...

{big bit deleted after I reread it and thought better of it}

Ahem. Look, I've had a long day and a couple of beers and the running is a bit dull. But before I go completely off the rails...I ran a bit over 25km today, for not a change.


Paintedrunner said...

I quite liked your 19 lyrics. Well done. You are amazing. A true inspiration

auswomble said...

@lena you flatter me, I'm just a stubborn dickhead :-) but thank you for the kind words

Run DMT said...

I think it's hysterical that you busted out some 19 lyrics during your run. I would have done the same had I thought of it. lol

You ran 16 miles in one day? Just because? With steep steps in the middle of your run just for the hell of it? Wow. I feel like a complete Janaton loser now. I had 4 wisdom teeth extracted last week and I am not permitted to run for 10 days, which is fne because I am in some serious pain still. But I still feel like such a winey slacker, Janathon loser, especially after reading your post.

Congrats on the miles and doing so great with the Janathon!

auswomble said...

@rundmt don't be so hard on yourself, I did have an 8hr break between the run to and from work! I'd run double that before having wisdom teeth out...and anyway, you've got Juneathon to look forward too :-)