Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Jillian's Cakery made me do it

I wasn't sure I was going to run today. Then I had a lentil pie (nothing wrong with that) and slab of carrot cake the size of my head for lunch. Oh the self loathing! Jillian's Cakery does damn fine cakes. So yeah, I picked the kids up after work, threw a bit of food down them and got them hosed down before mum came home and then did a local loop. Four days in a row, starting with my half. Legs are still aching, but it is a nice familiar ache that reminds me I am training for a marathon.

Not much more than that for today. I'm tired, I'm having a glass of red and I'm going to have an early night. Depending what time I wake up tomorrow I might get the early bus to Manly and then the ferry over to the city. Sure it takes longer, but it is a magnificent way to start the day.


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