Jumped the bus at the top of the road and spent the thirty minute journey reading the Randwick and surrounds local free rag and discovering that installation of parking meters seeems to be the single biggest news item and there is even an independant politico going to stand on that single issue in the local elections. Shame I can't vote. Other stuff about a home invasion and an Irish bloke being beaten and now laying in a medical induced coma and roads in La Perouse being - potentially - gated and shut at night to stop rev-heads doing burnouts and other rev-head stuff. Whatever that is. I borrow Mara's Hyundai Excel and tend to avoid such gatherings.
So anyway...met Sally at the Opera House Steps, collected the tickets and headed to the open-all-hours-right-at-the-key-predicatability of City Extra for a quick dinner and to wait for Mara.
Spinach and cheese crepes later and now all arrived we headed over to the opera house and watched the support acts Timmy Curran and another bloke whose name I cannot recall and does not make it to the promo poster so will forever be, to me, the other bloke. They were both decent enough but everyone was there for the Foos so they passed uneventfully as support actys typically do.
Accoustic Foo Fighters

The show lasts around two and half hours and there is plenty of the new and the old, the obligatory solos from all the band, Cool Day in the Sun sung by Taylor on drums and the violinist (among other instruments) sings a number as well after being made to to a tamborine solo cos everyone gets a solo. All good stuff. The chatting to the audience was good to with explaniations of where songs came from and comic monologues on Mentos and Eric Estrada. You had to be there. The only out of place number was Best of Me, which after explaining how he liked not having to bust his nuts at these accoustic gigs he screamed his way through. The girls were not too keen on that but I thought it was kinda cool.
When I find a review I'll add a link but enough to say that it was a fantastic show and as front men go he rates as one of my favourites probably because he seems as far from up himself as you can get. Nuff said.
And as promised, this from The Sydney Morning Herald.
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