Saturday, October 07, 2006

bog seats bad knees and rolling seas

Something that has been playing on my mind for a while and I once again was victim to today is the aut-flushing public lav. I stand up to wipe and I'm not sure if that is strange or not as my only reference is in the movies where on the odd ocasion you see somewone they are for ovbious reasons sitting. I am sure others stand as I do. The problem is with auto flushing bogs as you stand and they fluch and you are left holding your crapped bog roll and you have to make an environmentally unsound though socially esentail second flush. Today I was flushed twice while still sitting as I sat leant forwards with elbows on knees. More R&D please.

Now that is off my chest back to my knees which are still bad because some other mysterious bit is out of whack and therefore I feel the denial fuelled need to crank up the exercise and do four laps of Quens Park including the hill to prove to myself that no, actually everything is fine. Physio is booked for wednesday and I'd not want to turn up with nothing wrong so a few more laps of the park will be made in order to tell her - Liz - exactly where it hurts and why. Dumbass.

And so to this morning and another dip in Clovelly Pool this time on the high tide. The water was washing over the pool sides and a bit no actually a lot lumpier than my previous low tide visit. But other folks were swimming so I pulled on the goggles , slipped in, took a mouthful of south pacific and more limped than swam to the shallow end where the water ends and Australia starts. Somewhat more relaxed as I approached the shallows I decided to go acros the pool and head back towards the ocean end that was as lumpy as before and I took another swallow of sea water on the way headed back for the shaloows and got out to gather myself. Actually I'd quit at that point.

Sal was nerding it on a bench, laptop on lap and I stood looking back at my fellow swimmers (!!) and dripping dry. Some of those fellow swimmers look like those elite athletes you see on TV and in the papers and who only really exist there. No, they live here. Wearing just speedos and trainers they hurl themselves head first into the lumpy end regardless of wave height or lumpines, swim across the pool and climb out the other side, run up the hill and back around the shallow to where they started and do it all over again. One particular lad was going at a count of four and I just got fed up watching his skinny arse going round and around and decided to have another go at swimming only this time with a strategy.

The strategy was really rather simple and was look at the waves before opening your gob and that seemed to work quite well, as did slipping in and the lumpy end and wandering out at the flat end and repeating rather than turning back and swimming through the lumpiness which I did once but got knackered and figured that if I wanted a good amount of time in the water I'd best avoid stressing myself to much. And anyway I'm a shit swimmer. By local standards I'm a completely shit swimmer.

Back to the Green Mango for breakfast and I had the usual and Sally stayed true to form and had around three bites of her sarnie before handing it over to me. Other locals were discussing their morning swims and opined that it was a bit lumpy today and that made me feel somewhat better about my performance.

Since then the day has for me taken a turn for the overly mundane as we moved to Bondi Junction Westfiled shopping centre which is a great shopping centre if you like that sort of thing and I don't. Having takena couple of hours or torment Sal has been cut loose and I sit her reading emails and blogging and we are now bang up to date so that is it for now.

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