dead flowers are not pretty
I have for ever not understood fully the attraction of dead flowers. Flowers are or can be beautiful and are a wonder of nature and therefore do not in my opinion lend themselves to being cut and stuffed in a vase to make your place look prettier. They are the floral equivalent of a stuffed bird only with the added detriment of shedding browning leaves and petals over your home and starting to smell after a day or two. By all means have a living plant but don't have a dead one or the rapidly uglying pretty part. And yes I did start today by sweeping bits of dead flower and wondering what the strange smell in the lounge was before heading out for breakfast at Bondi en route throwing a hissy fit for no good reason but if I did have to pick a reason it would be a broken toilet seat in a rented flat. Wars have started over less. Maybe my previous bog seat post cursed me? We shall see.
Breakfast was had at Bondi Social overlooking the south end of the beach and the view was somewhat like the one on their website though not quite because their picture is not taken from their place but rather from the end of the beach itself. A bit like mine. Still a nice view where you can look out on surfers of various skill levels and watch the variously beautiful people walk past. It is also a great place to watch a beach exodus as the promised SSE wind arrrived. The ocean went from a lovely rolling picture postcard to white caps as far as the eye could see and waves chooped to pieces. On the beach the bathers and bakers were getting sand blasted - we know because we walked along the beach back towards the car and managed to get a decent natural exfoliation.
As we wanded past Bondi Icebergs we watched as a guy and a lady wearing a seethrough swiming costume that there was no need to get excited about swam through choppy waves to a rock platform where the exited the ocean and headed up to the pool. Quite impressive and the woman in particular looked as though she had done the maneavour many times before. Far more exciting that the shopping that followed and I feel no need to write about.
In other news Martyn of the Irish Water Spaniels got back to us with more details of local breeders who we should contact once we are ready for a dog of our own and he decided to crank the heartache all the way to eleven with a shot of Molly at 4months making her 3.5months older than when sally met her and the hound looked a bit like a turd (sorry.) Of course if we had a spare 900k knocking around we'd be in a position to get a "nice" house like the one we viewed yesterday down near Clovelly but we haven't so aren't and that is that. For now.
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