So today I took a train to see the house in Willoughby that Sally saw on Saturday and really likes. I like it too and would live there very happily so we need to get a mortgage agreed. Spoke to the bank and they will need convincing that my income is kosher because I am a contractor and therefore, as with self-employed folks, not to be trusted. Potential bunch of arse, and we will find out tomorrow whether this is an issue or not.
The day started rather predicatbly with a run and I noticed that the mistiness I have in my vision at the moment seems to get worse when I exercise. I think. Off to see the doctor in the morning to see what they have to say.
Time for a little vent. Australia is in it's 5th year of drought conditions and some resevoirs are as low as 16% full. That is bad. It's bad for everyone and if you're a farmer it is pretty near fucking disastrous. So with water selling at three times the price of unleaded and the government spending 2 BILLION dollars on drought relief is it too much to ask that people stop hosing down driveways and the grass outside their houses and next to the road. For fucks sake, how selfishly, pig-ignorantly stupid can a person get. People get. Wastefullness bad. Wasting water very bad. Stop it.
And another vent. Australian Idol. I admit to be fished-in and watch it religously but I don't vote and now I feel guilty. Well not really, but I should because this vent is a tad hypocritical. People of Australia, why the fuck didn't you vote for Bobby Flynn? How the hell does he get voted off? He is head and shoulders above at least three of the remaining contestants both artistically and physically in the white-man afro. A genuinely talented individual loses out to those who, I assume, have more mates calling . Ah well.
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