Wednesday, May 28, 2008


The natives are not putting on a good show at the moment. Hot on the heals of the Henson photo controvosy is this news item about the blocking of planning consent for an Islamic school in Camden. For my international readers - that is Camden, Sydney, not Camden London.

Let us be clear on one thing. The plan was blocked on the grounds of transportation concerns, envirnmental issues and so on. It was not blocked because of the racist views of a bunch of redneck morons in clown hats. No-siree Bob.

I too have a problem with this school. Australia is a secular society. Why do we even consider faith based - or faith funded - schools? There should be a simple rule - faith schools are a no-go. And that applies to the Catholics too...

I do, however, have a far larger problem with racist redneck clowns.

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