Kevin Rudd, Australia's populist look-at-me-look-at-me PM was in Rome yesterday where he met with Pope Benny the former Hitler Youth. So, as happens when Benny makes the news here in Aus, we have a story about the canonisation of Mary Mackillop. Mary, a dead nun, has been beatified. In 1961 an woman who was apparently terminally ill prayed for the Killop's beatification. The woman was still alive in 1995 ad therefore we have a miracle that can be attributed to blessed Mary. I shit you not. No raising the dead, no water into wine or sea parting. Not even a fucking card trick hat appears impossible.
Ahem, anyway, to become a saint you need a second miracle rubber-stamped by Rome and, many Aussies reckon there is just such a miracle. In fact the evidence (not that evidence seems important in matters of faith) is in front of the relevant authorities. I'll let you decide. Horrifically injured little girl is airlifted to hospital, recieves masses of medical treatment and is no dead. Medical treatment or the interjection of a dead nun?
One thing I am fairly sure about. This should not be a news story in a modern, secular country. Actually, no, let me change my mind. This is permissible as news if equal airtime is set aside for all the other crazy-voodoo-shit mumbo-jumbo non-Catholics believe.
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