Friday, July 10, 2009

a full time job

Yes yes yes I know I blog far too infrequently about AJ. Suffice it to say she is and continues to be just the baby prospective parents order. She has slept through the night from 2months and as long as Sal and I get sleep everything else seems to be pretty easy. Of course she has no teeth - AJ, not Sal - and has yet to get a cold or simply decide to change her sleep patterns, so I'm not resting on my laurels just yet. Oh, and she is objectively the cutest baby I've ever met. I'd have no qualms telling you if it was otherwise; plenty of babies are whining spud-heads and we could easily have had one of those. Shit, look at her father...

Anyway, today I took a day off work and instead of spending it with my bro, as planned before a whole heap of shit descended upon him, I spen it with Sal and AJ. Massive self-congratulatory stuff warning, read on at your peril. I started the day by getting AJ up, taking the morning smiles (she is all smiles when she first wakes. Of course I usually miss that because she typically wakes after I've left for work) and changing her first nappy. Nappy #1 rarely (if ever) has the rough stuff, so it's a fairly safe one. Through the day Sal gave her the boob four times but my blog so back to me. I fed AJ her "solids" this morning and afternoon (mushy veg, yummie yummie), gave her a bottle this afternoon, changed all nappies and put her to bed. Go me!

Anyone who questions how much work is involved in looking after a baby ("I'd love to be able to not go to work!") should try it. You should try it anyway because it rocks; but it ain't no walk in the park. Unless of course you take the bub for a walk in the park, in which case some of it is. With that exception it isn't.

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