Friday, June 10, 2011

Cremorne Point

Tired today, very tired. Legs felt heavy. Not especially sore but I felt just a bit bleugh. And I have a theory. I'd mapped out a couple of options last night that would get me from home to work. In the end I decided to go via Cremorne Point which would get me a morning jaunt in the mid-teens. A little lighter. So I could take it a little easier and have a (relatively) more restful day. And therein lies the problem. I am fairly sure my mind was playing this trick on my body: You are taking it easier because you need to take it easier, you need to take it easier because you're tired and therefore I will make you feel tired. Had I set out to do 22km I probabaly would have felt better. On the other hand that could be bollocks and the half bottle of bubbly I had last night, my first grog of the month (I was going to have a dry June) might have had something to do with it.

Sal and the girls were back at home last night and once again I managed to score the only bed in the house. Having got my random coughing-fit over and done with at dinner time I had a reasonable night's sleep. Alex woke at about 04:20 and told me I should sleep on the floor with her her. I slurred a sleepy "no" and told her she could clamber up into bed with me; it is, after all, her bed . She did and I sort of dozed until 05:15 when I snuck out to get ready to take the dogs for a walk and to not have a shave. She woke up again and asked for milk, which I got for her, and then she went back to sleep and I went out with the hounds.

And AJ slept until a little before 7am, which meant I wasn't in trouble with the wife when I got home. I quickly got changed and headed out to work. I could have gone down the bush track at the end of my road, which is nice but means a steep descent and then a steep climb. Didn't fancy the steeps, so stuck to the road and made way through Cremorne and down to Cremorne Point. I'd decided this was going to be a light morning, so I stopped to chat to a guy walking his two Wire haired Fox Terriers and another walking his Silver Poodle - a quite stunning dog that from certain angles looked like the lovechild of a silverback gorilla and a babboon. I went to the end of the point and took a few pics and decided it would be better to have a day off than a day in the office. I sighed, then headed to the office.
This is true of me
Although I was on light duty I still wanted to get 10miles done, Instead of heading straight up onto the bridge I went under it, around Lavendar Bay and then back up and over. So much for avoiding hills. I passed a jogger on the bridge, then shortly afterwards stopped to take a couple of pictures. They went past me, so I was honour-bound to pick the pace up just enough to beat them to the southern side; I don't like being beaten across the bridge.
And that was the morning done. Less miles, more knackered.

I wanted to get a few more km done before the end of the day and if anyone at work had been off for a lunchtime run I would have tagged along - but no one was heading out, maybe because it had started to rain. I thought maybe I'd do my stock local loop before bed, uninspiring though that was. Then an opportunity dropped in my lap. Our property lawyer had the contract from the guys whose house we are trying to buy and I needed to go and collect it so we can sign. Office is in Neutral Bay, just over the bridge and about 5km. Perfect, so I got back into my stinking running gear and left work an hour early.

If I thought I was slow in the morning it was nothing to my pace - or utter lack of - as I hobbled back over the bridge. And then, as I climbed up to Neutral Bay I swear I was actually moving backwards. I had the classic old-man-gait, sort of hunched, elbows up and out, but a proper shuffle going on. Mind you, it is a bastard of a climb, and it did get me my 21km total for the day.

Was glad when I got the office, happy to grab dinner out with Sal and the girls, not so happy with the parking ticket we picked up.

And the weekend has landed; I'm off to bed.

1 comment:

archiehartwright said...

Listen to your body! ... but what do I know.