I quickly faffed around at home, putting stuff in plastic bags to keep it dry if another shower decided to hit me. Which it did, but after I'd dropped the contract off before I copped the next soaking. Brief aside; we managed to sign and initial the contract in all the right places despite the "sign here" stickers finding their way from the contract to our daughter. Oops. Really should have left it a little further away from little hands. After the solicitors, passing a colleage as he walked to the bus, I made my way to St Leonard's park where I was going to run a lap. Insted, as a hommage to my brother's genius, I attempted to draw a GPSCock. I've not uploaded my data yet and don't know how successful I've been. Cock done, I made my towards the Bridge and my office, struggling a bit on the longish, steepish descent. Thoughts of a shin splint plagued me, so I sort of hop-old-man-hobbled until I got to the bottom. Felt much better running back up hill.
The bridge came and went in a little over 7mins and I got to the office with a little over 12km knocked off. Run one for the day done.
The weather went from bad to worse as the morning wore on and as I got ready to leave for my second run I could hardly see the next door office through the tipping rain. What can you do? I grabbed the dry gear and already wet trainers (why get a second pair wet?) and headed out. By the time I was changed the rain had eased a little. I don't mind running in the rain; quite enjoy it at times. What I find somewhat less enjoyable is standing in the rain waiting for the satellites to spot my Garmin. The city is particulalrly bad, what with the tall buildings. I trotted off towared The Hungry Mile and stood in the relative dry while I got a fix.
I felt surprisingly good as I headed off on my usual 10km-ish trip to Anzac Bridge and back. Shins felt fine, knees a bit achey but as I'd run to work and then spent the next 4hrs sitting on my arse I was not surprised. The rain arrived by the time I got to the outbound water stop, maybe 4km in. And it didn't really ease up after that, so I copped soaking number three for the day. The Ks came pretty easily and at one point I actually felt reasonably quick. A couple of times the wind slammed me, which was pretty cold, but mostly it was warm enough. Although split between 2 runs the half-marathon distance came up in 1:47:and-a-bit. Which isn't too shabby considering I'm a fortnight into Juneathon.

And I'm done for the day.
Oh, ant it seems my cock was not that good at all.
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