As I looked at yesterday's somewhat uninspiring loop I wondered how far it would be to run every road inside that loop. I didn't do exactly that today but I did knock out my half in that style.
After a relatively good night's sleep I woke up to find that Sal had gotten a relatively shite night's sleep so I put AJ in the backpack, grabbed my dog and we headed out to give the missus a chance of some peace. Well, as peaceful as it gets with a 4wk old. Not entirely sure that walking around in the rain with a 16kg kid on your back is a good warm up for a 21k run, but there you go. We stopped at Maggio's for some breakfast and bumped into some friends who we'd lost touch with before Mel was even pregnant with the 8wk old she was nursing. With Sal and Mel now both on maternity leave we may start meeting up again. Rowlf will probably not want to meet up with their pug. He is far from a fan of pugs and launched himself several times at the little fella who, being a pug, didn't give a shit.
After brekkie we headed to the park and it started to rain almost straight away. Then it started tipping down and I copped a bit of a soaking on the way home. It was all quiet at home as Sal had popped out to weigh Harry (who has piled on about a kilo) so I gave AJ a lesson in bad dancing and awesome eighties music. I have already been accused of child cruelty.
Sal got home just as I put AJ to bed for her lunchtime snooze and I head out. I decided to start by running all of the roads nearest to home and then try to work my way along the ones that sit below Mowbray Road. This post is going to get very dull very quickly, so in a nutshell I deliberately retraced my steps once or twice, got a little lost once or twice (jogging Blair Witch...haven't I been here before?) and twice stepped *just* outside of the boundary as I went up and then down from a bridge over the freeway.
I stopped at just over target distance and when I loaded the route was surprised to see how many roads I'd not run. Maybe next time, maybe not...
After a recovery meat pie it was down to the pool where AJ goofed about a bit and I just kinda sat soaking in the shallow, warm kids pool. Nice.
No picture today. The run looked pretty much like suburbia.
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