Tuesday, June 02, 2015

I'm a walking, yes indeed...

I swung my legs out of bed at a little after 5am to find that only one of them was working properly below the knee. Bugger. I hobbled about in the dark, getting dressed in my winter dog walking garb of shorts, lightweight fleece, beanie and Dunlop Volley's.

Not wanting to bail on Janathon after a single day I decided to log my morning dog walk so I could keep playing the game of doing something. It felt quite novel to hit the "walk" icon instead of the run one. Not sure it does anything different though.

It was bloody cold this morning. June 1st is officially the first day of the Australian winter and the wind had a definite chill. I bought my morning coffee and did my standard out-and-back that takes me down the hill from Seaforth, over Spit Bridge, to the end of Pearl Bay and back. The right foot and shin eased up a little as they warmed and I briefly contemplated running to work before deciding that I'm old, liable to break if I act like a 20year old and should not be running at the moment. Don't like being sensible (sulking.) I did 50 pushups because I don't really regard walking as exercise - I have a dog, I walk - and then packed my bag for work. Of course I packed my running gear.

I spent the morning sort of twisting and stretching the troublesome foot that I will stop moaning about before long. Meh. I had a few meetings and I'm pretty busy at the moment so the lunchtime run was replaced by a lunchtime coffee and now, back at my desk, a quick blog entry before my next meeting.

As it stands, if you'll pardon the pun, the foot feels runnable. So maybe I'll do a couple of km before bedtime.

We shall see.

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