Saturday, September 23, 2017

I'm not a number I'm a...hold on, I'm number 19478

OK, I'll fill the details in later because I got about 3hours sleep on the second leg and despite wanting to push through today and catch up with my 8pm-arriving brother - I am beat. So bullets.

  • Bought a book (Homo Deus) and read some, watched Alien Covenant and Lego Batman movie on first leg. Enjoyed all of the above.
  • Had a free seat next to me! Did not make use of it, let the 7yr old girl sleep over it and her seat to tray and help calm her frazzled mum who was..well, frazzled. #maybeImnot suchabadparentafterall
  • Changi is huge. Thought I was walking to Berlin from there. Street food great, butterfly garden likely more interesting in the daytime.
  • Second leg - 3hours sleep, swollen ankles, dry eyes
  • Watched The Founder (was Ray Croc that much of a shit?) and Expendables 3. Listened to the Scouting for Girs album and the awesome bonus track 

  • Made my connection in Frankfurt with 15min to spare.
  • Sat next to Kenyan runner Joseph (more about him when I know his time) who will probabaly beat me quite comprehensively. Chatted the whole way with him, top bloke.
  • Got to the hotel early, dropped off bag, wandered off to pick up race number.
Right, I'm stopping here. More detail to follow, plus my gushing about just how effortlessly cool Berlin is. I think the reason Sal loves Paris so much is that she hasn't spent enough time in Berlin.

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