prodigal rat returns
So today I join the other rats back in the race.Up early, shave, queue for bus, coffee and into the office. I started the coffee outside and had a 10minute people watch before I went in. Sydney city is not crowded, comparatively. A very slow day it turned out to be, fairly typical for a first. I was dumped upon Steve who gave me titbits of stuff to do, but did feel a bit dumped as there was no sense of direction. Ne'ermind. There are another couple of guys starting this week, so there is not a lot happening straight away that would need the guys already there to explain everythign to me, then again, then again. So it was sit there, read that, have a chat, get frustrated with no internet access or external email. And why the hell does Lotus Notes still exist? ffs give it up, it's shit. First day blues. But the guys seem nice and the view from my 19th floor window seat is of the harbour. I can see Fort Denison, Garden Island, North Head. Lovely. The work, I think, is going to be very dull indeed and for that I am glad I have taken it on contract. But again, first day blues and it could turn out to be OK. But it could be all over in 6months regardless as the project does seem to have a fairly carved in stone drop dead date. Dull stuff, but would you look at that view.
The bus ride there and back was fine if you ignore my eyes struggling to read my book. My longsightedness is still shorter than my arms so I'm OK for now. No shower in the office is a pisser because it means taking out gym membership just to get a shower if I choose to run or ride into the office. Hmm. Need to think about that one.
I was home first - Mara at college on a Monday and Sal on her way - so I donned the trainers and did an outside-the-fence lap of Centennial Park and when I got home Sal was on the phone to Nige (brother in law and builder) and discovering that the extension on the house we are now less likely to buy could cost 360 grand. Discussions had and we're undecided but veering more towards "run away, run away!" Back to the drawing board.
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