Monday, November 27, 2006

facial hair and nice

I have missed this Movember but am already looking forward to next year. Not entirely sure that it happens every year but it should, formally or informally, and it should happen the world over. Movember is the month - November, for the slow - in which a man (and I guess at a push some women) can grow a moustache with impunity. I can grow an impressive amount of facial hair in an impressively short period of time. Colour is not too impressive, mind you. Three hundred and some days to go.

There is a lot of tea in this world and a lot of it sounds poncey. Early Grey, Lady Grey, English and Irish Breakfast, Darjeeling, Assam, green, camomile...the list goes on. Sometimes you simply want a PJ or Liptons, or best of all, a mug of tea served from one of those big metal urns you find in the better quality cafes (pronounced "caffs") in the UK. And that is a nice cup of tea. In our household your plain and simple bag-o-tea is now called a nice, as in

"do you fancy a cup of tea?"
"oo, a nice cuppa tea, that'd be nice"

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