Thursday, January 29, 2015

only because I had to

I had a better night's sleep, which is more than can be said for Sal who eventually bailed and went to the spare room. Apparently the toenail in the calf was the last straw after previous kicks, the coughing and my human hot water bottle act.

When I got home from work yesterday I was out on my feet. I cooked up some pasta for the kids and as soon as Sal got home I crashed on the sofa. Lemsip and a swig of Robitussin and I was done. I woke up at dog walk o clock and rolled over; no chance. He could wait. There was no way I was going to work, we'd sort something out later. I got up at about 6:30 and sat on the sofa with a Lemsip while Sal did all the kid bits. I didn't feel too bad about that as I'm usually on my way to work by then and she'd be doing it all anyway, but I always feel a bit of a shit sitting feeling sorry for myself while stuff goes on around me.

Sal took H to daycare and AJ and I took Rowlf the 800m round trip to the bakery so I could get a coffee. As I sit typing this I wish I'd put the Garmin on, got up on my toes and logged that as a run. Ah well. Quick aside - I've had a cramp in my right big toe all day. Go figure. In the greater scheme of things it is the least of my worries.

Rowlf had his second walk, the far from exhausting 700m round trip to school, when I dropped AJ off. Back home and with a record-breaking (OK, equalling) lack of motivation I pulled on some running gear. I was careful to not choose any shirt that suggested I was any sort of runner because I was fairly sure this was not going to be particularly heroic.

I had a quick cough - one of those centre of the chest hacks - and set off on a beach loop. I know Janathon only requires a logged run each day and there is no minimum requirement. However, I've a target in mind so I decided to do an easy 11k. My legs felt extremely heavy. The quads had been replaced with a sort of lead-playdo thing. But they moved, and I Cliff-Young-shuffled along (by the way, you really should click that link if you've not heard of Cliff Young. Bona fide legend.)

I believe this is known as "very nice"

Not a lot to say about the run. I took it easy, trying to keep at bay the really annoying voice in my head that was telling me what fantastic running weather it was. It really was a nice morning, best of the month for running. Fucking arse-chunks to it. It was lovely down at the beach. There were some nicely formed waves for the surfers and the stands for the upcoming Australian Open of Surfing are being built. Maybe there will be some waves for the event this year...

I got home and crashed out on the sofa, which is where I've mostly been since. Soup and Lemsip. Cough does not seem too bad but you could fry eggs on me at the moment and I'm sweating up a storm.


Janathon total 632km

1 comment:

Paintedrunner said...

Hope you feel better soon. Well done for getting out when you are unwell